Pulp Savage Worlds and lessons learned on October 28, 2013 combat pulp RPGs savage worlds scenario design +
Milestones in gaming #2: The Warlock of Firetop Mountain on October 18, 2013 books fantasy milestones +
Kortaq - Figures of Note on October 11, 2013 burning wheel character generation characters game design playtest scenario design science fiction world building +
Burning the world of Kortaq on October 10, 2013 burning wheel game design indie rpgs scenario design science fiction +
Introducing Rudiger Adler (The Enemy Within 2.0) on October 07, 2013 campaign character generation characters Enemy Within fantasy RPGs wfrp +
The end of Carrion Crown on October 04, 2013 campaign Carrion Crown fantasy golems horror Pathfinder review RPGs undead +